ANNOUNCING ADDED Hours…Your Children’s Museum, The Discovery Center of Macomb, is now open on Fridays 11am-6pm

STEAM Saturdays – Saturdays feature rotating themes at the Discovery Center. Fun and exciting activities.  11am-3pm

Sunday Fundays – Every Sunday is open play. Wholesome Family Fun!  11am-3pm

The Discovery Center of Macomb is a family-fun science site offering youth workshops, free downtown events, and educational kids activities year-round. Tickets are required for entry to badgecamp workshops and can be booked here. Downtown special events are FREE and you can view all upcoming events here. 


Stop in for interactive programs Saturdays 11am until 3pm. 


Join The Discovery Center of Macomb Every Saturday From 10AM – 3PM For FREE Family-Fun & Science Expos.


Sponsors! See your name in LIGHTS when you sponsor a Saturday expo event or badgecamp program. 

60-Minute Badgecamp Tickets

Get your badge-builder workshop tickets and buckle-up for a journey that spans eight Discovery Badges and features exciting adventures from around the world.

FREE! Downtown Event Tickets

Join the Discovery Center of Macomb and exhibitors from across Southeast Michigan for FREE Saturday expo events featuring hands-on demonstrations, downtown activities, and more!

Children & Teens Earn Your Favorite Discovery Badges Today!

Get your badge-builder workshop tickets and buckle-up for a journey that spans eight Discovery Badges and features exciting adventures from around the world.

GET TICKETS!! Hands-On 60-Minute Badgecamps For Children & Teenagers


The Discovery Center of Macomb is a NONPROFIT science and cultural site for youth K-12 providing special events and educational programs hosted throughout the year. Many of the programs and events are provided FREE of charge for families across Southeast Michigan, made possible by corporate sponsorship, local business support, and foundation grant awards. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation or sponsorship support for the Discovery Center of Macomb today!

Get Free Event Tickets

Families visit the Discovery Center for a variety of family-friendly events hosted in downtown Mount Clemens, Michigan.

Get Badegcamp Tickets

Students K-12 visit the Discovery Center of Macomb for a variety of 60-minute badgecamp builder workshop sessions.

Sponsor Events & Camps

Are you an industry leader, business owner, or community nonprofit? See how you can sponsor camps and events. 

Enjoy Free Downtown Parking Every Saturday

Plan Your Downtown Mount Clemens Family-FUN Visit!

Don't miss out! Get the Discovery Center monthly newsblast.

Be the first to know about up-coming events, exhibitions and breaking news stories.